Thursday, June 7, 2012

Facts of the day

1. Have a strange feeling when woke up. Had an early prayer and noticed that I can't feel anything at all.
2. Thinking that the third world war is coming soon but it'll comes from middle east area (conflict in Syria now spreading to Lebanon). There is a need to think for a greater good, otherwise...
3. Questioning the basic reason why Iran developing nuclear program, in political, economic and Sociocultural dimensions.
4. Thinking hard to find a diplomatic and polite way to say 'no' to someone who has been nice to me.
5. Realizing that I am away from the office too long... I didn't know any update/news until breakfast time today. 
6. Spending hours for bonding time with Bubbles
7. Spending hours of window shopping during lunch break
8. Commit to myself to exercise more to reduce the 'stress' and 'feeling' and this idea leads me to buy two jogging pants and running shoes..#don't blame me please.. to my defense, I am in the state between reality and dream-nightmare kind of thing#
9. Plan to go for swimming with princess
10. Happy to have long-call with a dear friend and plan a head for a trip in September
12. Plan to cut my hair and dye it with dark-brownish color
13. Today i need to go to ICC for my farsi class
14. And, happy to learn that 'set fire to the rain' is not hurting me anymore

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