Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Journey to Iran - Part 3 : Imam Khomeini Mosque

I went to the well-knowned mosque in Tehran, the Imam Khomeini Mosque in one sunny day on my way to the Tehran Bazaar since the mosque situated within the Bazaar itself.
This mosque is very much a working mosque and one of the largest and busiest in Tehran.
I learn that the building itself dates from the early 18th century.

The courtyard can be accessed from several parts of the bazar and there will be hundreds of people pass through in front of the mosque and therefore it is possible for non-muslim to view and watch the pray or just to look around people passing by. They placed a small fountain in the center of the courtyard with some pots of plants and flowers that can creates a green environment in most of sunny day and hectic surrounding

I was taking some of these picture candid because i understand that usually photography is less welcome near the mosque.

It was a very sunny day, i was hiding in a shadow of one building across the mosque just to make sure that i did not burn myself.

When i took below picture, a man was yelled at me and he was talking in Farsi -- which i do not understand. A dear friend has been missing somewhere in the crowd, so i could not get a help.
However, I finally understand that women is not allow to enter the mosque.

These are the architectural artworks of Iran that i admired so much. They're all carefully and beautifully crafted. 
Can you read the calligraphy?


Its actually one of the window - paced in one of the wall of the mosque. And they renovating it..

Look at that beautiful tiles on the doom

Magnificent architecture ! and look at the calligraphy too !
While waiting - without knowning when my friend will come again - was walking through the courtyard and i saw many Iranian young couple sitting by the side of the fountain. Actually they just chatting  and i would love to take picture of them -- but its not wise #advise from a friend# So, instead of people, i took some photograph of flowers again !


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