Sunday, July 1, 2012

Quote of the day : Don't think about yourself

"We all have a short period of time on this earth. We probably only have the opportunity to do a few things really great and do them well. None of us has any idea how long we're going to be here nor do I, but my feeling is I have to accomplish a lot of these things while I'm young."  ~ Steve Jobs

Friday, June 15, 2012

Get Well Soon..

Ya Allah yang Maha Pengasih and Penyayang..
Berikanlah kesehatan dan ketabahan kepada Ibunda-ku tercinta
Kembalikanlah beliau seperti sedia kala
Maafkanlah aku Ya Allah yang sering sengaja atau tidak sengaja menyakiti Beliau
Maafkanlah aku Ya Allah yang terkadang melupakan dan mendzholimi Beliau
Ya Allah yang Maha Penyabar dan Maha Kuat
Berikanlah kekuatan kepada Beliau menghadapi coba'an ini
Sematkanlah dalam hatinya bahwa aku, dan anak-anaknya yang lain sangat mencintainya
Ya Allah yang Maha Mendengar dan Maha Besar
Aku mohon, dengarkanlah do'aku and kabulkanlah permohonannku

Get well soon Mum...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A letter for Ms L and Ms T

Dearest my friends Ms L and Ms T,

We heard, seen and experienced a lot of terrible things happened recently here
Well, next few days most people will be more shocked with the breaking news
Please be alerted my dear friends, there will be so much tense and so much hate throwing to all of us
Don't worry, it is not meant for you, personally. This is the consequences that we need to carry because our job and our position.
We just need to carry on what is our duties, our responsibilities.. 
It's all professional life, nothing personal and do not take them personally please
I am writing this to give all of us moral supports and protects each other.
May GOD always protects and guides us....

Lots of love and hugs,
Ms Natasha

The Power of Ikhlas

Alhamdulillah and Thank you so much Ya Allah...
I was able to take it without any hesitation
I was able to accept it peacefully and gracefully
I was able to hear it without feeling afraid of being hurt
And I was able to send a very sincere prayers and wishes
Amazingly i did not feel anything. 
I am ridha' and ikhlas.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thank you

Alhamdulillah, today I unexpectedly received a very calming and yet relieving words..
Finally, I can convinced and say to myself that 'Yes, I did the right thing'
The words of advise just like pouring a cold water in my thirsty throat.

Thank you so very much, all i can say
Thank you so very much Ya Allah...
Insha Allah, everything will be better and yes the time will heal the pain
This is time to start a new chapter.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Life is about making choices

Life is about choices and you're now is based on the choice that you made.
It may sound complicated, difficult and  more philosophy on those words.
But if you see on your daily life. Its true.

So, when you wake up in the morning, your mind already started to think..which one you'll do first, taking shower, prepare your breakfast, checking your email, reading newspapers or probably taking care your child first or even decided to skip all those activities and continue to sleep. Most of the time, we're running out of time so we decided to do two until three different activities in the same time.

In your life - or even love life, it is full of choices.. either we encounter a 'dream-come-true' kind of life/love life or having a unending horrible life or love experiences.

One of eminent person in the world that i know once said to me that 'You have to be able to manage your problem. Choose and make the right decision'.
So, last week I chose to be mourning all the time. Sad and brokenhearted confused me. I cried to celebrate my goodbye and to ease all the pain.
But, today, I would like to choose to be jolly and happy !
God provides and God protects...
God permits and God resolves...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fifth Day : Prayer

Wahai ya Allah, Dzat Yang menghilangkan kesusahan. 
Yang dapat menghilangkan dukacita dan 
Dzat yang dapat mengabulkan do'a orang-orang yang memohon, 
Yang bersifat kasih sayang dunia dan akhirat, 
Semoga Engkau memberikan rahmat dengan rahmat yang mencukupkan aku, dari rahmat selain dari Engkau

Ya Allah yang Maha Mendengar, izinkan aku untuk menangis di malam yang sunyi senyap,
aku mohon izinkan aku untuk mengingat dirinya dan semuanya sesudah aku memanjatkan do'a dan syukurku kepada-Mu ya Allah.
izinkan aku untuk menjadi diriku, mencurahkan isi hatiku dan mengutarakan keinginanku setelah aku membacakan shalawat untuk Rasulullah

Ya Allah yang Maha Besar dan Maha Pengasih, kecintaan aku selalu kepada-Mu dan Rasulullah,
Izinkan aku bertemu dengan Rasulullah untuk memohon nasihatnya
Izinkan aku ya Allah memperoleh jawaban atas semuanya
Agar jiwa ini tidak menangis dan bersedih

Ya Allah yang Maha Penyayang, karena sesungguhnya aku ini lemah dan tidak berdaya dan mudah di perdaya oleh syaiton dan manusia bermaksud jahat,
karena itu ya Allah kuatkanlah aku.
Dan aku ini hina dina dan fakir, karena itu muliakanlah dan cukupkanlah aku.